Wing Chun – The Thinking Man’s Art

By Danny Horgan –

One overwhelming characteristic I’ve come across in my time traveling and training in the Wing Chun world is intelligence. It might sound hyperbolic, but I say with conviction that more than half of the smartest people I’ve ever met have been through Wing Chun.

Wing Chun has long been known as a thinking man’s art because of its emphasis on proper physics. By perfecting aligning the body, Wing Chun theory says, a practitioner can generate the most power with the least amount of effort. And the quickest path from point A to point B is a straight, direct line.

Many Wing Chun practitioners understand these physics on an almost frightening level. Decades of intense study and application have lead them to sublime mastery of the human body, allowing them to control both themselves and their opponents with complete ease.

But Wing Chun’s collective intelligence extends far beyond the knowledge of body mechanics. Many Wing Chun practitioners are right-brained thinkers, approaching everything they do conceptually and creatively. Watching the way these practitioners apply their art is like listening to a brilliant song — you can appreciate the artistry because its unique to its creator.

One reason I travel to meet Wing Chun practitioners across the country is to explore the distinctive intelligence each person brings to the art. Doing so has not only helped my Wing Chun, allowing me to get fresh perspectives on seemingly rudimentary concepts; it has amplified my life well beyond martial arts, giving me access to esoteric knowledge in all assets of living.

After I trained with Nick Gregory for the first time, he introduced me to the world of biohacking, which has helped his fitness and energy level immensely. After exploring new diets and exercise methods through biohacking blogs, I’m in better physical shape now than I’ve ever been. Nick and I have since kept a continuous dialogue about diet and healthy living, and I’ve been able to share with him tips that have worked for me. Nick now uses my trick of taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar right before sleeping to detoxify the brain’s Pineal gland, leading to more spiritual dreaming.

The Wing Chun Brotherhood is a network of Wing Chun practitioners, but more importantly, it’s a network of knowledge. While Wing Chun is growing in popularity, there are still countless Wing Chun practitioners who have no one to share their ideas with. So get in touch with your Wing Chun brothers, and open up a dialogue about fighting, meditation, or whatever you are passionate about. Reach out online, and if you’re able, travel to explore different branches of Wing Chun.

Ultimately, you’ll not only become a better martial artist, but a more intelligent, well-rounded person.

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